On Thu, 31 May 2001, John Bandhauer wrote:
> Ian Hickson wrote:
>> Assuming the answer to both is 'no', I would like to propose that super-
>> reviewers be able to say veto=jsmith. (Other people (like me) would then
>> be able to ask super-reviewers to veto a patch. I don't think there is any
>> need for anyone to be able to block check-ins without going through a
>> respected community member first.)
> Flaws are demonstrable. Point one out and people will see it. Doing so
> in english is good enough. This was discussed the other day and we
> agreed that process was not required. If a hacker gets an r= and sr=
> and then someone points out a flaw and the hacker checks it in anyway
> (while aware of the previously unnoticed flaw) then that hacker is in
> the wrong and this will be clear to all.

It will be clear, but who has the authority to "do the right thing" and
back them out? The sheriff? Anyone with CVS access? Only super reviewers?
Only the author?

> Differing opinions about whether or not a given change is the best
> change is harder. Discussion is still the answer. Sometimes you win,
> sometimes you lose.

Losing is not an op-- er. ;-)

I guess the answer to my question is just that it should be done on a case
by case basis, and if something goes in that someone disagrees with, then
[EMAIL PROTECTED] should be brought in.

>> I also have one minor question. What's the difference between "rs=jsmith"
>> and "sr=jsmith"? A rubber-stamp still needs a quick look at the code, to
>> decide if its small enough for being rubber-stamped, right? Or is a rubber
>> stamp actually a review, with the statement that no super-review is
>> required? (i.e., is 'rs=x' the equivalent of 'sr=x' or is it the
>> equivalent of 'r=x, sr=n/a'?) I think the FAQ could be slightly more
>> explicit about this.
> rs= makes the claim that that super reviewer has briefly glanced
> at the change and trusts that it will be OK but does not believe
> there is a need to super review it closely. I'd argue that an r=
> should still be required.

so an rs= is exactly the same as an sr=? (namely, that the super reviewer
"trusts that it will be OK".)

Ian Hickson                                     )\     _. - ._.)       fL
Netscape, Standards Compliance QA              /. `- '  (  `--'
+1 650 937 6593                                `- , ) -  > ) \
irc.mozilla.org:Hixie _________________________  (.' \) (.' -' __________

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