nospam@nospam wrote:

> if I have multiple windows open, and I start a page loading
> on one, and flick to another
> to read text in that window, the first window comes to the
> front (changes the "focus") when the
> page has loaded. This irritates the f**k out of me. Is there
> any way to disable this "feature"?

> also, when I visit pages hosted by tripod, geocities,etc,
> little rectangular windows pop
> up with adverts in them. Is there any way to disable these
> pop up windows?

You could install a proxy or something, but the simplest way is to add 
this to your user.js (in the same dir as prefs.js):


Hopefully, UI will someday be added for this.
I've often thought intelligence agencies should recruit idiots, as
idiots seem able to infiltrate any group in large numbers.

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