Orrin Edenfield wrote:

> But, yeah, as N.Marshal said, you have to use a different client to 
> create an account at this time (altho, the new option should be 
> working sometime?).  Once you have a roster set up on the server of 
> your choice (I suggest jabber.org) then you can use Jabberzilla to 
> connect to it. All contacts are stored on the server, and if you can't 
> connect to AIM one day, try it again the next, because they may have 
> fixed the server transport (no download neccesary).

Sounds very interesting.  Gee, if word gets out that Mozilla is working 
so well, and will support cool stuff like Jabberzilla, who's going to 
use Netscape? :)

-=< Mark >=-

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