Jay Garcia wrote:

> Nick L-S wrote:
>>Has anyone actually got this to 'play a sound' ?
>>Im not sure if it actually works, as i've never heard a squeak out of 
>>mozilla when new mail arrives. Im using win2k. What would be good would 
>>be if you could select a .wav file to play on new message...
>>any ideas anyone?
> Change Mail Sound File In Mozilla:
> With Mozilla closed, locate the prefs.js file in your <profile>
> directory. Open prefs.js by right-click on the file and select "edit".
> Copy/paste the two lines below anywhere in the file, save.
>   user_pref("mail.biff.use_default_sound", false);
>   user_pref("mail.biff.sound_file", <path-to-your-favourite-wav-file>");

Not everyone uses biff, might want to let them know about biff.


  "The things you own, they end up owning you." - Tylder Durden

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