RM wrote:
> > JTK wrote:
> > Uhhhhh..... don't you mean "Communicator 4.x", you know, the web
> > browser/mail reader/news client that still is somehow able to put
> > Maozilla to shame almost four years later?
> >
> wow, you really don't have a clue, do you?

Oh I have plenty of clues, why do you ask?

> do myself and everyone here a favor.

Every time I post here I do you and everyone else a favor.  Sheesh,
don't play pig!

>  please go back to your windows
> machine and stay there.

Done and done.  Dearly wish sombody'd give me an option.

>   please use microsoft products for all your
> projects.

Please capitalize the first letter of each sentence, to make it less
obvious that you haven't graduated highschool yet.

>  you seem to be the perfect candidate...
> don't you understand?

I understand perfectly.  What do you want me to explain to you?

>  you're not wanted here.

I go where I'm needed.  That's rarely where I'm wanted.

>  please go away.


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