Cevpx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Presentation is what HTML is all about.

No.  That is how it tends to be *used*, granted, but it is really
about document structure.  The whole CSS effort is an attempt to make
the disctinction more clear.

> How can anyone not want to have a tool that has the potential to
> augment their attempts at communication?

That is a good thing to want, but the HTML composition software
currently bundled into Mozilla and OE doesn't do a very good job of
achieving that goal.  There are some good ideas in there that need

> How many web sites do you see in plain-text?

<URL:http://www.gis.net/~meowing/> comes pretty close.

> We have all heard the pussy that goes by the name Fluffy expound the
> scripture that usenet is not the web... ad nauseam... etc., etc.

If you were paying attention, you would know that the One and Only
Real True Fluffy professes that news is in fact an integral part of
the Web, that the Web is not just HTTP and HTML.

> Are we talking about bandwidth here?

Some are, I'm not.  My issue with HTML in discussion media has to do
with the immature/incomplete tools available to work with it.  It's
not fully cooked yet.

> Do we still have people connecting at 300 bps?

Yes, actually.

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