And it came to pass that Cexy© wrote:

> On 4 Jul 2001 23:54:40 GMT, Christopher Jahn
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
>>And it came to pass that Cexy© wrote:
>>> "Cevpx" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Ok yes when I had my PC upgraded to Win 95 OE came with the
> program, I had no idea what a newsgroup was and at that time
> didn't give a rats ass. However I am a curious person and
> clicked on the newsgroups thingy and wow a whole new world
> opened that I never knew existed.  So I was happy lurking in
> MSN's (my ISP of Choice at that time)

How did you choose them?  Did it have anything to do with the 
Internet Connection Wizard?

> newsgroup, and most were using OE and God Forbid TOP POSTING
> and using different style Fonts and colors and cool sigs
> with little pictures and links to their Websites and I
> learned how to use all the wonderful tools MICROSOFT 
> included in the Software I loaded on my computer. 

So they turned an information exchange into a way to hook users 
into bad posting habits, that - SURPRISE! - are supported 
primarily by MicroSoft products.

> Now back to the subject............I have witnessed some
> hells on wheels flame wars on the Plain Text/OE/RTF debate. 
> Again I was curious so downloaded the Free Agent Program to
> see what all the hoopla was about.  

It's ALL hoopla.  The most over-rated client ever.
I think the company was founded by Moonies.

> I was very unhappy it
> did not come with a Spell Checker as any here can 
> verify..........Spelling and Grammar are not my best
> skills<G>.  So I forked out the $29.00 or whatever the cost
> was and now have the full version.  And right off the bat I
> was again disappointed ... It took
> Agent 4 min to download 100 posts in this group, OE took
> less than 30 seconds.  So if time is of essence and costs
> money to download posts to me OE is the way to go! 

Messenger is as fast as Outlook, but Xnews is faster still.
But Xnews has no offline capabilities.

I here lots of good things about Gravity, but it's only recently 
become available at no cost.  And I'm so happy with Xnews, I 
can't see how it could be an improvement.  But it has a great 
reputation, as does Turnpike, tin and slrn.  
I'm suspicious of Gnus, as it started out as a Mac application.

> I agree the formatting in Agent is better than OE but what
> the hell most of my posting is in groups that are not so
> picky about formatting but are more interested in what I
> have to say.  

I'm interested in the message.  But my client doesn't parse 
HTML, so what I see is &npsb some && &npsb/ text &npsb 
interspersed *##with <npsb>lots of <aaa/&npsb> gibberish.

If what you say is interesting, you don't need fancy fonts or 
wild colors.  The MESSAGE is the thing, not the wrapping.  And 
HTML is ALL wrapping.  It's fine for a "present", but not worth 
much in making a point.

}:-)       Christopher Jahn
{:-(         Dionysian Reveler
No man is an island, but then no man is a potato salad, either.
To reply: xjahnATyahooDOTcom

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