Holger Metzger wrote:

> On Thu, 05 Jul 2001 15:16:49 -0400, Cevpx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Hans-Peter Fischer wrote:
>>>On Wed, 04 Jul 2001 03:24:00 GMT "Cexy©" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>No I am talking about using something other than this boring Font! No
>>>>sound or pictures but Comic Sans for example, what is the big deal about
>>>>that, and maybe in a nice dark blue color<G>  
>>>Posting in Comic Sans won't make your messages any funnier, believe me.
>>That's not funny!
> I don't have Comic Sans on Linux. So I'd miss all the funny schduff you
> could do with it.

I don't either.  I believe Comic Sans is a Microsoft font anyway.  Maybe 
it would be illegal to use it on Linux?  Don't know... just wondering 

btw; Donna the Cyber Suggle Bunny don't need funny fonts to be funny.

Note: Fowlups set to THAT group.  We's talking 'bout fun, ain't we?

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