My money's (metaphorically speaking) on the tripartite
merger of the "global, military/industrial complex", the
"entertainment industry", and the cybernetics of the
iconolastic, ontologically minded, A.I. expediting
physicist-laborers who are plucking "superluminal volocities
attained by practical propellantless propulsion systems" out
of their (or somebody's) heads!
Or has that particular three-way merger already occurred?
I suspect it will be recognizable by a general increase
in __________...?

Pontifex Maximus wrote:

> josX <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Koyaanisqatsi Fahrvergnugen wrote:
> > >
> > >Mozilla's RH Negative Blood, Reptilian ORIGINS!!!
> > >
> > <snip>
> >
> > Pitfall one: Installing RedHat, it's the worst Linux distro and you might as
> >              well go for Windos immediately. If you want to go with something
> >              easy, choose a German distro, they deliver good quality usually.
> >         two: Booting X from the bootscripts, use startx when you absolutely
> >              can't avoid it, like you must draw something. X is for kids,
> >              be a man/woman, handle the console, you got 63 of them or more
> >              to switch between: a lot faster than switching between windows.
> >              Everything is faster on the textconsole, including your brain.
> >       three: Using Emacs.
> >
> > tty1
> > % lynx -vikeys -nocolor
> > tty2
> > % slrn
> > tty3
> > % mail
> > What more can you ask for, when you got it all...
> >
> > Jos
> > --
> XM Satellite Radio Holdings is a development stage company
> that seeks to become a premier nationwide provider of audio
> entertainment and information programming. The Company
> owns one of two FCC licenses to provide a satellite digital
> radio service in the United States. It plans to transmit its
> XM Radio service by satellites to vehicle, home and portable
> radios. The Company will offer a wide variety of music, news,
> talk, sports and other specialty programming on up to 100
> distinct channels. The Company expects to begin commercial
> operations by summer of 2001.
> Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. is building a subscription radio service
> that will broadcast up to 100 channels of audio entertainment
> directly from satellites to vehicles throughout the continental
> United States. Sirius Radio will offer a wide selection of music
> formats and program types; commercial-free digital quality
> music; and nearly seamless signal coverage across the
> continental United States. Sirius Radio will be broadcast over a
> frequency band, the "S-band," which will augment conventional
> (terrestrial broadcast) AM and FM radio bands. The Company
> holds one of only two licenses issued by the Federal
> Communications Commission to build, launch and operate a
> national satellite  radio broadcast system. The Company's
> service will offer 50 channels of commercial-free, digital
> quality music programming and up to 50 channels of news,
> sports, talk and entertainment programming. The Company
> currently expects to commence broadcasting at the end of
> the fourth quarter of 2000.
> James Martin's HEADSTRONG.COM =
> "...Persons with low P3 amplitude are believed to have difficulty
> distinguishing significant from insignificant stimuli."
> -o0~[]~0o-

***** [21 years ago...
NASA's Advanced Automation for Space Missions:
"What follows is a portion of the final report
of a NASA summer study, conducted in 1980 by
request of newly-elected President Jimmy Carter
at a cost of 11.7 million dollars."

  ... & today?]

"In The Next World, You're On Your Own"
                          -- Firesign Theatre

        _/-_/-_/-_/ - - -~o0-O-0o~- - - \_-\_-\_-\_

IBM Research
Computational Biology:
IT Meets the Microscope

"...In late 1999, IBM announced an exploratory
project to build Blue Gene, a super computer
1,000 times more powerful than the Deep Blue
machine that beat world chess champion Garry
Kasparov. It will be about 2 million times more
powerful than today's desktop PC's and powerful
enough to help scientists gain a fundamental
understanding of how proteins fold..."

Protein Folding: The Key to Fast,
Personal Molecular Medicine

"It is possible to envision a time when you will be
able to walk into a doctor's office and leave with
pills personally tailored to suit you down to the
finest molecular detail. The compelling reasons
for treating a patient "on-line" with a drug
production system are, first, because it is fast,
and second, because high-technology health
care at the molecular level is fundamentally


"The ideal fuel in terms of energy gain, is meat.
Vegetation is not nearly as nutritious," Wilkinson
said. "Changing food into electricity isn't unique.
What I've done is to make it small enough to fit in
a robot."


 "Pay attention. And keep breathing." -- T. McKenna (1946-2000)

  This ...


        A B S T R A C T

        This manifesto outlines a biological strategy
        to eradicate suffering in all sentient life.
        The Post-Darwinian agenda is ambitious,
        implausible, but technically feasible. It is
        defended here on ethical utilitarian grounds.
        Nanotechnology and genetic-engineering allow
        us to discard the legacy-wetware of our
        evolutionary past. We can rewrite the
        vertebrate genome, redesign the global
        ecosystem, and abolish suffering throughout
        the living world.
        [Cont... ]

    ... is a nice antidote to a bit of temporary technophobia
    which recently passed thru my mindgland, to wit:

On the weekend of April 14-16, 2000, Professor Michio Kaku,
stated in part:

                "... Von Neumann Probes are self-replicating machines.
 They land on a moon, create a factory that creates thousands of
 copies of themselves that shoot out to other moons, land on the moon,
 create thousands of copies of them and shoot out again. OK. Each time
 they land on a moon they leave an alarm clock waiting for a 'Type Zero'
 civilization to attain 'Type One' status, which would be interesting
 for a 'Type Three' civilization. ..."
   [<> &
     < Kaku>


Astrium - Space is our business


"Communion" by Frank Savino

"The Pearl" by Frank Savino


Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis
STARLAB's Artificial Brain Project

I head the Brain Builder Group at STARLAB, a
research lab in Brussels, Belgium, Europe. The
original aim of our "CAM-Brain Project", as stated
at its beginning in 1993, was to build an artificial
brain with a billion artificial neurons, by the year
2001, using evolved cellular automata (CA) based
neural circuit modules. In reality, 7 years later, this
number will be maximum 75 million neurons and
64,000 modules. These CA based neural network
modules grow and evolve at electronic speeds
inside special FPGA based hardware called a
CAM-Brain Machine (CBM), which can update CA
cells at a rate of 130 Billion a second, and can
evolve a neural net module in about 1 second. This
speed should make brain building practical. Tens of
thousands and more of these evolved modules can
be assembled into humanly defined artificial brain
architecures. The evolved CA based circuit modules
are downloaded into a large RAM space and
updated by the CBM fast enough for real time
control of a kitten robot called "Robokitty".

[Cont. ]

See also:


"...Persons with low P3 amplitude are believed to have difficulty
distinguishing significant from insignificant stimuli."


Gina "Nanogirl" Miller
Nanotechnology Industries


"The new Pandora's boxes of genetics, nanotechnology, and
robotics are almost open, yet we seem hardly to have noticed.
Ideas can't be put back in a box; unlike uranium or plutonium,
they don't need to be mined and refined, and they can be freely
copied. Once they are out, they are out."      -- Bill Joy

Bill Joy's "Wired" article:
        "Why the future doesn't need us.
        Our most powerful 21st-century
        technologies - robotics, genetic
        engineering, and nanotech - are
        threatening to make humans an
        endangered species."

"This is the first moment in the history of our planet
when any species, by its own voluntary actions, has become
a danger to itself - as well as to vast numbers of others.

"It might be a familiar progression, transpiring on many
worlds - a planet, newly formed, placidly revolves around
its star; life slowly forms; a kaleidoscopic procession of
creatures evolves; intelligence emerges which, at least up
to a point, confers enormous survival value; and then
technology is invented. It dawns on them that there are such
things as laws of Nature, that these laws can be revealed by
experiment, and that knowledge of these laws can be made both
to save and to take lives, both on unprecedented scales.
Science, they recognize, grants immense powers. In a flash,
they create world-altering contrivances. Some planetary
civilizations see their way through, place limits on what may
and what must not be done, and safely pass through the time
of perils. Others, not so lucky or so prudent, perish."

        --Carl Sagan, writing in 1994, in "Pale Blue Dot",
           quoted by Bill Joy


  Someone poses a question: "Do you think neurochips must
  be activated by a preceding biological substrate or could
  they be activated directly by mind?"

Sounds kind of like a nouveau zen koan; who's minding
the matter? Which came first: the fragile, egg-shell
substrate or the pecking, cackling mind? If mind is a
gestalt of electrical activity cleverly networked
within a stable yet dynamic medium, then...???
How does a quadrapalegic with a neural-implant move
a cursor across a screen with mind alone?
 <> From a below link:

              "...At Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
              in Ohio, for example, the military's Alternative
              Control Technology Laboratory has experimented
              with systems that allow pilots to 'fly by thought.'
              By controlling their brain waves, human subjects
              at the laboratory can steer a flight simulator
              left or right, up or down, a skill that most
              people at the lab master in only an hour..."

Many Moons Ago...
Monday, October 27, 1997
Caltech scientists devise first neurochip


some additional N O T E S  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

Neurology: Computer Chips for the Brain

By Rick Weiss

Monday, October 27, 1997; Page A02
The Washington Post

If you've ever wished for a memory upgrade in
your head like the ones you can buy for your
computer, you'll be happy to hear researchers
have made a computer chip that interfaces
directly with brain cells...

- - - - - - - - -

Phillip R. Kennedy
The Human-Computer Interface

On October 13th this year [1998], Emory University neurologist,
Dr. Phillip R. Kennedy and neurosurgeon Dr. Roy E. Bakay
announced the successful implant of neurotrophic electrodes
into the brains of two patients, one with amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis and the other with brainstem stroke.
The implant signifies a major advance in allowing people to
directly interface with computers. ...

        _/-_/-_/-_/ - - -~o0-O-0o~- - - \_-\_-\_-\_

Tuesday, April 11, 2000

Do cyborgs live among us?
Scientists blur the boundaries between
'wetware' -- the living brain -- and
computer hardware
by Jay Bookman

[John Chapin,  a neurobiologist at MCP Hahnemann
University in Philadelphia] and his team wired the
brains of lab rats directly to a computer, giving
the animals an ability unknown to human beings...

Steve Mann, a pioneer in wearable computing and a
professor of electrical engineering at the
University of Toronto, has been building and using
his own wearable computers since he was a high school
student in Canada. He calls himself a cyborg...

In pursuit of artificial intelligence, scientists are
building artificial neural networks and teaching them
to operate as real neural networks do in the human brain...

Bill Ditto, a Georgia Tech researcher in neurosilicon
computing, leads a team that has built a simple adding
machine out of the neurons of a leech. In five years,
he predicts, his team will have built a much more
complex machine out of living rat neurons grown on a
sheet of silicon. Such a computer might be taught to
think as living brains do... []

                |||||-~o -=[|^]_o_[^|]=- o~-|||||

The Archetype and the Beast '98

                |||||-~o -=[|^]_o_[^|]=- o~-|||||
    "Quantum mirage" may enable atom-scale circuits
IBM Scientists Discover Nanotech Communication Method

"Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)"
Does "EHPA" [Exoskeletons for Human Performance Augmentation]
sound like a worthy, utilitarian goal with potential
life-enhancing applications in fields far beyond just the

Announcement and call for papers Ninth Annual Symposium on
Was held at the International Mechanical Engineering Congress
and Exposition during the Winter Annual Meeting of the ASME
November 5-10, 2000 Walt Disney World Dolphin Orlando, Florida
Sponsored by the Robotics Panel of the Dynamics Systems and
Control Division [ ]
of the ASME [ ]

A gallery of haptic interfaces:

"Magnetic Levitation Haptic Interfaces
The Microdynamic Systems Laboratory operates within
the Robotics Institute [ ]
which is a department of the School of Computer Science
[ ] at Carnegie
Mellon University [ ]. Some of our
projects are affiliated with the Institute for Complex
Engineered Systems [ ] at CMU."

NAS Nanotechnology Gallery

There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom
An Invitation to Enter a New Field of Physics
            by Richard P. Feynman


Nanotechnology and International Security ['97]


Franklin Wayne Poley's: "MACHINE PSYCHOLOGY
and the politics of everyday robots"

Nano-Engineered Digitally Modulated Topology & Room 9


We, Borg
Speculations on Hive Minds as a Posthuman State

[Bill Joy] Co-founder of Sun Microsystems sees doom in technology

        Mission-Critical Deployment
        Sun's Jiniô Technology Drafted for Service in the U.S. Army


Report from Spiritual Machines
                      2000-04-04 16:53:58
                      By Arkuat
Arkuat gives you the inside scoop on the "Spiritual Machines"
panel and conclave. Wacky excitement ensues!


Ray Kurzweil --
  Kurzweil Technologies, Inc. (KTI)

The book:      The Age Of Spiritual Machines
                  Ray Kurzweil

2099 - The reverse engineering of the human brain appears to be
  The hundreds of specialised regions have been fully scanned,
  analysed   and understood. Machine analogues, which have been
  enhanced and   extended, are based on these human models.
  There is a strong trend   towards a merger of human thinking
  with the world of machine intelligence... Life expectancy is
  no longer a viable term in relation to intelligent beings.
  Some many millenniums hence...
   Intelligent beings consider the fate of the Universe.



"ISMDA 2000" - URL:

Selected Call for Papers
"AI General":

Perhaps interesting conferences in 2001:

        _/-_/-_/-_/ - - -~o0-O-0o~- - - \_-\_-\_-\_

        "Interspecies Global Mind
      by Howard Bloom  08.12.1999

  "...It is said that we have enraged nature by tearing at
the pattern of her tracery, and for this transgression we
shall be punished mightily. But we are nature incarnate.
We are made up of her molecules and cells.
We are tools of her probings and if, indeed, we suffer and
we fail, from our lessons she will learn which way in the
future not to turn. For all that lives and all that ever has
is part of a collective brain, a neural net of the most
sprawling evolution-driven, worldwide,
multi-billion-year-old interspecies mind."

  From: The History of the Global Brain XX


100 Tetrahertz Atomic Precision
Silicon Crystal Switches Produced
                            -  -  - --==|o)!
NASA's 'Snakebots' Slither to Life
                            -  -  - --==|o)!
MEMS tie the knot with nanotechnology


Bayesian methods are often used for training neural networks.

  11 - 16 September 2000, Paris, France


Machine Learning Archives:


Towards a Jungian Psychology of Technology

  Erik Davis' - Techgnosis


        NetFuture - Technology and Human Responsibility


The Ten Ox-Herding Pictures

                  1.Looking for the Ox
                  2.Noticing the Footprints
                  3.Catching Sight
                  4.Getting Hold of the Ox
                  5.Taming the Ox
                  6.Riding home
                  7.Ox vanished, herdsman remaining
                  8.Ox and herdsman vanished
                  9.Returning to the Source
                10.Entering the Marketplace



Cornell University nano-researchers have built and tested a
nanofabricated device that can separate DNA fragments by
length. (Cornell press release May 15, 00)


Researchers at the Department of Energy's Sandia National
Laboratories have created a new microchip processing
technique that creates raised, microscopic canals on chips,
through which liquids or gases can flow from one chip
feature to another. (Sandia release May 25, 00)


May-June, Volume 88, No. 3

Biomolecules and Nanotechnology

Evolution has forced innovative solutions to biomolecular
problems. Some may inform the growing field of nanotechnology

                            David S. Goodsell

        Engineers attempting to build atomic-scale machines often
        start with the methods and materials for building full-scale
        machines and then miniaturize them. Our author, however,
        reminds readers that nature solved the problem of small
        machines three billion years ago, with the emergence of
        first cells and biomolecules. The innovative solutions
        wrought by evolution, says the author, may well serve as
        a guide in the construction of artifical nano-machines.



Tutorial on Foundations of Nanotechnology
November 2, 2000

Two annual $5000 Feynman Prizes in Molecular
Nanotechnology, one each for experimental and
theoretical work, will be presented.
Sponsored by Foresight Institute


NYU chemist develops molecule with switchable chirality

A New York University team led by chemist James W. Canary
has developed a molecule with switchable chirality*.
[...]  Canary said, "We know chirality is tremendously
significant in biology, and there are certain areas of
material science where it has played a role -- liquid
crystal displays and non-linear optics, for example.
Discoveries like this one may provide new applications
for chiral materials applications."
*[FOOTNOTE: Nearly all biomolecules are chiral compounds.
That is, they exist in two forms (enantiomers) which are
non-superimposable mirror images of each other. While
otherwise identical, enantiomers typically have key
differences. For example, they may rotate the plane of
polarized light in opposite directions.]



Study finds amphibians declining worldwide since 1960s


Radio Wave Template Engineering Living Matter?!

Research in the Chiao Group...


NEC Research Institute - Physical Science Research Activities


Quantum Physics, abstract quant-ph/9805040
Optical Tachyons in Parametric Amplifiers:
How Fast Can Quantum Information Travel?


Light and Shadow in the Carina Nebula
<>  The diameter of the Keyhole
ring structure shown here is about 7 light-years.


"In The Next World, You're On Your Own"
                          -- Firesign Theatre


            Phenethylamines I Have Known And Loved:
A Chemical Love Story               By Alexander and Ann Shulgin


Jacques Vallee!! Jacques Vallee!! Jacques Vallee!! Jacques Vallee!!

Jacques Vallee
Vallee refers to this complex system of control--which is
shaping human society over the course of thousands of
years--as an "interface of reality with consciousness."
It sounds a lot like Arthur C. Clarke's science fictional
theme in 2001: A Space Odyssey--an alien intelligence
subtly directing the course of human development,
toward mysterious ends. Talk about your cosmic

    "...It was called the 'New Age Club', this extremely
   highly-placed intelligence careerist revealed. He confirmed
   that its members had more access and say in UFO matters
   than the National Security Agency (NSA)
   does! Its members included: Henry Kissinger (ubiquitous proxy
   for David Rockefeller,
   prominent player in the Bilderberg Council, Council on
   Foreign Relations <> and the Trilateral Commission);
   <> his older brother Laurance S. Rockefeller
   (who has quietly funded various UFO investigations
   <> );
   Howard Hughes
   (the reclusive billionaire who provided fronts for many CIA projects through his many companies); a top
   official in the RCA corporation; former CIA Deputy Director and Chief
   of Counter-Intelligence, James Jesus Angleton;
   <> and included in some
   of its activities such notables as 60's television mega-star Jackie
   Gleason, (to whom they once showed extraterrestrial corpses at an Air
   Force Base in Florida.)
<> Possible Violation of Standard Model *
| The Morning of the Magicians by Louis Pauwels, and Jacques Bergier
 "...[T]he creed of the Thule Society inner circle [...]
      Jack Parsons: a Pasadena kid who turned his enthusiasm for
     experimental rockets into patents for Jet-Assisted-Takeoff,
    and became a co-founder of Aerojet (Aerojet-General) and the
   Jet Propulsion Laboratory. He was also the head of an occult
  lodge based on the teachings of Aleister Crowley, whose
 magic rituals incorporated sex as an essential ingredient.

Erik Davis -  Techgnosis

King of the Rocket Men Profiling Jack Parsons, occultist and rocket Pioneer

Plan Nine From Outer Space
One New Age channelling cult, above all the rest, has had a huge -
very disturbing influence on hundreds of thousands of devotees
worldwide. Known as 'The Nine', its disciples include cutting edge
scientists, multi-millionaire industrialists and leading politicians.

Astronaut Reveals NASA Mind Control Program Involving Children
        LOS ANGELES -- Astronaut Gordon Cooper, one of the
        original seven Mercury astronauts, has confirmed the
        existence of a mind control program administered by
        NASA in the 1950's and 1960's involving gifted
        American schoolchildren...

 In the Mid-70s, Dr. Andrijah Puharich ran a complex in Ossining called
 the Turkey Farm. In the summer of 1975, Puharich assembled around twenty
 children from the ages of nine to late teens, called "Gellerlings", or
 "Space Kids". Puharich trained their psychic abilities, and claimed that
 they received messages from aliens. One teen claimed that they practiced
 remote viewing, and some of their assignments included political targets
 like the Kremlin and the White House. [Levy, pg 165-7] Puharich has
 claimed that the Space Kids are able to materialize objects like trees,
 and that six of them arrived at his ranch via teleportation. [Gardener,
 pg 287] It was also during this time that Puharich did experiments on the
 effects of ELF radiation on the central nervous system.
 Andrijah Puharich died in 1995. See Terry Milner's series "Ratting out
 Puharich" for a more complete account, and for details on Puharich's
 possible links to biological experiments...

National Reconnaissance Office  -   N. R. O.

F.B.I. - Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) UFOs:

The Official (as it gets) Martin Cannon Page.

[][]  "Cheney [replied] that if he did attend such a meeting
[][]  on UFOs, it most certainly would be 'classified,' and
[][]  therefore he'd be unable to discuss it."

 Transhuman/Posthuman Web Report:

  Dr. Anderson:
   "... About all I can tell you is that we
   know -- from both the prophecies and our
   remote viewing technology -- a significant
   amount of information about this race.

   "For example, we know that it hails from a
   galaxy that our Hubble telescope has examined
   as thoroughly as possible and we've charted it
   as extensively as possible. We know that it is
   2.6 million light years away and that the
   species is a synthetic race -- a mixture of
   genetic creation and technology. It possesses a
   hive mentality, but individual initiative is
   still appreciated as long as it is aligned with
   the explicit objectives of its leaders.

   "Because it is a synthetic race, it can be
   produced in a controlled environment and its
   population can be increased or decreased
   depending on the whims of its leaders..."


  Transhuman/Posthuman Web Report:

D E L U S I O N A L   E P I L E P T I C S   U P D A T E !
                       "...[Don't] let these guys
     get behind you. They are tricky. And their
     elfin humor may not be your idea of a good

[] [] P L O N K
[]         <<<>>>
[]   Haven't the delusional epileptics amongs us suffered enough
[]   at the hands of the relentless confused chaotic forces
[]   of distraught Find Mucking pseudo-sentient Owl Worshipping
[]   tripartisan janitorial bookkeepers all hell bent on
[]   implimenting the dreaded Plan 9 from Outer Space?!
[]   It's ALL THERE in that insidious, trashy Ed Wood movie!!
[]   I shit you NOT!
[] T H E   D A N G E R   L I E S   W I T H I N
[]   Yes. The delusional epileptics,
[]    by current medical definition, must
[]     never support the long-term presence
[]      or inhabitation of non-Aliens.
[]       The delusional epileptics are clearly
[]        willing to disassociate for their beliefs.
[]         They will not change this stance in the
[]          forseeable future. Therefore, it is probably
[]           incumbent upon all non-epileptics to study their
[]            mindset, their beliefs and behaviors, as objectively
[]             as possible. One can only presume that if any ETs are
[]              in the neighborhood, they will likewise be engaged in
[]               similar careful study of.............................?

If the density of the universe exceeds a certain threshold known as
the critical density, this gravitational attraction is strong enough
to stop and later reverse the expansion of the universe, causing it
eventually to recollapse in what is known as the "Big Crunch."
        For quite some time it has been known
        that the mean density of our universe
        agrees with the critical density to
        within better than a factor of ten.
        Even with such large margin of error
        this agreement is remarkable.
        Establishing initial conditions so
        that the mean density remains close
        to the critical density for more than
        a fleeting moment is much like trying
        to balance a pencil on its point.
        A universe initially with slightly
        subcritical density rapidly becomes
        increasingly subcritical and soon
        virtually indistinguishable from
        an empty universe. Similarly, an ever
        so slightly supercritical universe
        rapidly collapses into a Big Crunch,
        never reaching the old age of our
        universe---somewhere around twelve
        billion years. To obtain a universe
        like ours seems to require fine
        tuning of the initial density to
        agree with the critical density to
        an accuracy around one part in 10^60!
        [That's a "ten" with sixty zeros]

                        C U B E

Verily... A Ten with Sixty Zeros "chance" for
the initial density to "agree" with the critical
density, to inflate a life-nurturing universe
versus an empty universe, seems to suggest a
specific fine-tuning of the original conditions...
(a 1 in 10 to the power of 60 chance): Eternity
has nothing but Time to impliment such myriad
varieties. On the other hand, perhaps an advanced
technology from a previous successful universe
has found a way to perform these precise calculations
for fine tuning many universes for scientific
study and maybe even entertainment or motives
entirely incomprehensible to us clever primates?

Will we do likewise?

Brookhaven National Laboratory

        Time Travel Research Center

D E L U SI O N A L   E P I L E P T I C S   U P D A T E !

...infinity factory: dr. mario pazzaglini (realaudio)
by Richard Metzger - February 13, 2001

  Richard Metzger interviews the late
  Dr. Mario Pazzaglini, the author of
  Symbolic Messages: An Introduction
  to a Study of Alien Writing.

  Dr. Pazzaglini was investigating
  the possibility of Alien writing by
  studying hundreds of artifacts and
  interviewing individuals who claimed
  to have been contacted by alien
  intelligences. He presents a very
  balanced, rational, and informed
  view of the escalating reports of
  written communication alleged to
  have originated from non-human



In Erich Aggen's November 1997 issue of his monthly
zine "C-Com", he comments on several alleged
extraterrestrial alphabets. We feel that he errs in
believing in the discredited George Adamski case;
and even the complex UMMO case, which he also
mentions, has recently taken a nosedive, with the
confession of one of the principal particiants...

Nevertheless, "alien alphabets" constitute a
fascinating UFO-related subject, and we were
therefore pleased when, a few days after
receiving Aggen's zine, we received a 90-page
softcover book on the same subject, written by
one Mario Pazzaglini Ph.D. The title is
"Symbolic Messages - An Introduction to a Study
of 'Alien' Writing".

Pazzaglini does not list his qualifications, but
from the highly intellectual tone of this self-
published book (1991), we can only assume that his
scholarship is genuine. What really impressed us is
that this is an objective attempt to make some
sense out of the many, many types of messages that
have come to us through "automatic writing" and
other such sources. Pazzaglini emphasizes the
difficulty and complexity of this study.

Says the author: "Our... assumption is that the
world we perceive is a mentally constructed world
that is clearly not the same world that 'really'
exists out there." Further on, he cautions: "Many
scripts are blatantly mundane in their origin.
Best examples (of this) are perhaps scripts that
contain exactly the same letters and number of
letters as our own alphabet. It would be extremely
unlikely that another race of beings developing
totally separately from us would produce exactly
the same symbol and sound repetoire.. although
nothing is impossible..." At the very end of the
text he states, profoundly: "Are we talking to
ourselves or is someone else trying to tell us
something. Who knows?"

As usual, Space limits our ability to do justice
to this unique contribution to UFO literature.
The book is presumably available from the author,
at: 523 Capitol Trail, Newark, Delaware 19711.
This is great "4-D" stuff, and certainly worth a
few bucks.

We should add that, in addition to the 90 pages
of text, Pazzaglini includes about 80 pages of
various terrestrial alphabets, as well as unknown
writings of various sorts. Our favorite in the
latter category is Jesse Marcel Jr.'s recollection
of the "symbols" he saw on the "I" beam of the
Roswell, N.M. crashed saucer. He notes that all of
these characters were in violet. Looking at this
famed series of symbols, they still look like
stylized flowers to us. Hard-core Roswell fans will
know just what we mean by this!   --Saucer Smear


Alien Writing: An Interview With Dr. Mario Pazzaglini


© 1996 By Ian Blake


Engineering and Consciousness
The Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR)
program was established at Princeton University in
1979 by Robert G. Jahn, then Dean of the School of
Engineering and Applied Science, to pursue rigorous
scientific study of the interaction of human
consciousness with sensitive physical devices,
systems, and processes common to contemporary
engineering practice. Since that time, an
interdisciplinary staff of engineers, physicists,
psychologists, and humanists has been conducting a
comprehensive agenda of experiments and developing
complementary theoretical models to enable better
understanding of the role of consciousness in the
establishment of physical reality.


Sex and Rockets


Interview with John Mack
Psychiatrist, Harvard University

NOVA: Let's talk about your own personal evolution
from perhaps skepticism to belief ...

MACK: When I first encountered this phenomenon, or
particularly even before I had actually seen the
people themselves, I had very little place in my mind
to take this seriously. I, like most of us, were
raised to believe that if we were going to discover
other intelligence, we'd do it through radio waves
or through signals or something of that kind.

The idea that we could be reached by some other kind
of being, creature, intelligence that could actually
enter our world and have physical effects as well as
emotional effects, was simply not part of the world
view that I had been raised in. So that I came very
reluctantly to the conclusion that this was a true


Sent Via 2012 Retro-Causality Neur0work

"It ain't over 'til it's over." Yogi Berra

>  -- Year of the Snake "4669"

Excellent Plan!

 Ontologically speaking, the Nanomorphic SimUjahedin
 RetroFlux Field (NSURFF) approach to funky spatial
 "para-intrapolative" optic recourses to conceptualize
 the many-sheeted, tightly stretched latex simulacrum,
 vis a vis, sentient self-modeling, is a lot like
 multi-helical spaghetti noodles in virtual nonlocal
 scalar-like, antivectored, totally outre' wyrd (sic)
 space... don't you think?
 Has this already been patented by the Germans?

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