Jamin W. Collins wrote:

> On 07 Jul 2001 22:59:55 +0200, You wrote:
>>For testing purposes, I saved the header.gif image and made my own 
>>little testcase, a simple body and an img tag, with the height and width 
>>you specified. I then checked the resulting page in Photoshop, measuring 
>>the header.gif's size. Mozilla *is* resizing it to the specified height 
>>and width, so I don't see a bug...
> The bug is not whether the image is rendered at the correct size, but
> whether or not the rendering is quality is flawed or not.
>>Offtopic question: why resize it in the first place? Why not just crop 
>>it to the size you want. Results in faster rendering of the page, as any 
>>browser that encounters the page won't have to resize it first.
> Don't believe that was the concern.  Just whether or not there was
> something that Mozilla should handle better than it was.

that's why he mentioned "Offtopic question:" ;-)

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