JTK wrote:

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, A Martinez says...
> Irony can be pretty ironic sometimes, can't it Mr. Lairo!  Not to mention
> No Mr. Martinez, I think I probably had something to do with the non-bold text
> there.  I have no idea how, but since I'm such a "reprehensible slimeball", as
> Peter would say, and since Mozilla is faultless, again as Peter wants you to
> believe, it simply *can't* be a problem with Mathuzilla.  I probably
> *misrepresented* Peter's *bold proclamations* somehow, perhaps in a
> *non-standard way*, and Mozilla then *ignored them*, or perhaps wasn't able to
> *confirm* his "bold".


All your *highlihgted* text came through bold. Did you do something 
different, or did the problem in Peter's post get fixed, or neither. 
What newsreader are you posting with? Peter posted with some version of 
Moz, but you didn't. Looking at the source of Peter's post, the text 
wrap happens between the *'s, I wonder if that's the problem.


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