Pratik wrote:
> There's already a way to do this manually in your prefs.js (or user.js) 
> file. Take a look at I found the 
> following
> // Use configurable security policies to override popups, see
> //
> // Turn off for particular sites:
> user_pref("capability.policy.popupsites.sites", 
> "";);
> user_pref("","noAccess");
> // Or turn it off everywhere:
> user_pref("","noAccess");
> // Override popping up new windows on target=anything
> user_pref("browser.target_new_blocked", true);
> - Pratik.
> Alex Chaffee wrote:
>> I'm sure I'm not the only one who hates porno pop-up ads, especially 
>> inside onclose handlers.
>> Seems like it would be super great if I could configure Mozilla to 
>> disable this feature (at least in sites I don't know yet).
>> More specifically, I'd like to have a mode where I can
>>   - globally disable window opening
>>   - except for URL patterns I specify in a list
>>    - like*
>>    - or
>> Even more super-wonderful would be the ability to do this for any 
>> JavaScript function, or any of a set of functions.  If so, it would be 
>> good to have different lists for different functions.
>> Naturally, this option should not be set by default. There may also be 
>> an alternate mode where the default is to globally *enable* window 
>> opening except for (bad) sites I specify. Maybe this could be done 
>> with an allow list and a deny list (order deny,allow).
>> Is this the right place to request this? Should I also make a bugzilla 
>> report?
>> Thanks -
>> - Alex

Is it possible to get this with some UI?


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