First of all, let me say that I am adament about my devotion to the 
Mozilla browser & email/client project; it is my browser of choice.  I 
do have a few concerns however.

I use my computer extensively for meteorological purposes.  What that 
means is that I log on often to sites that use heavy mapping and 
overlays. I find myself frustrated when in Mozilla, I can not overlay 
cities, roads, rivers and etc. either on regional or metro radars for 
that matter.  Great weather sites such as, or have these features that will 
not work in Mozilla.  I know that it is because  they probably aren't 
100% web compliant but that doesn't mean I have to like it.  It still 
frustrates me very much.  I want the browser of choice (Mozilla) to work 
with all those pages.

What really concerns me is the fact that the general populace is going 
to use a browser that will load any page they request, regardless of 
rather it is 100% fully compliant to a standard or not.  If the browser 
can do it, then use it.  Now, some would simply say that I should not 
use those sites.  Might I remind someone with this kind of thinking that 
they ARE the major weather sites.  Does anyone understand my 
frustrations or see them as being justified?

Perhaps I don't understand the web at all.  As a user, all I want is to 
load that URL and watch it work.  I'm not interested in all the things 
that make it tick - I just want it to tick.  I'll be very honest with 
you - the other browsers are boring to me.  They work but so does my 
digestive system and I can tell you that at times I am not very 
impressed with it either.  Mozilla has style and promise; now, if only 
we can get it to work with everything.

I know!  I know!  Easy to ask for but difficult to produce.  I don't 
want to use two browswer.  I have a feeling however that I am going to 
have to.

To a great browser - MOZILLA
Wayne D. Alligood

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