> And to add icing to the cake, CNet put an
> article where Netscape 6.1 was as fast or
> faster than IE5.5 under Win2K.

The PC they used was also a Pentium 4, 1.5ghz. Is that the
kind of PC I/we need to have in order to get comparable
performance out of mozilla/netscape6 ?? If so, that definitely
leaves me out... ;-(

My computer isn't even as fast as the "low-end" PC they used,
the PIII 600mhz. I've only got a lowly AMD K6-2 450mhz and
128mb RAM. In their tests with that PC, mozilla/netscape was
pretty twice as slow as IE 5.5.

You know, I *want* to use mozilla on a daily basis and I
*want* it to be a better browser than IE, but so far, it
ain't... And before I get bashed for not helping, sorry, but
I'm not a programmer. I'm just a user.


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