Ben Justice wrote:
> My mistake, maybe I got Mozilla confused with the "Geko" engine or 
> something like that.  Seems like I read that thing was lean and mean.
> I just want a non-bulky browser that loads quickly and consumes a minimum 
> of memory.  Mail and news if included, should be an optional components!
> I like to use Pegasus and Xnews respectively.  Both free, Xnews is an 
> excellent news reader.
> Maybe I'll look into Opera.  Shame though,if I'm understanding your answer, 
> looks like I'll never really use less resources by choosing an alternate to 
> IE cause IE is running anyway. Might as well just run IE if I'm looking to 
> save resourses -- guess thats what MS intended?
> -- Bj

I'm sure some of us would argue that is exactly what Microsoft intended. 
You could get around this a bit by using an alternate shell, like 
LiteStep [], or something similar [can become a 
hassle though] - and there's always Windows98 Lite [].

Of course, with memory prices like they are, grabbing another 128MB 
would make your whole computing life easier, and you'd be able to keep 
Mozilla running in the background with the -turbo switch, which allows 
it to startup faster than IE, at least on my machine.


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