Yoda McAwips wrote:

> R.K.Aa. wrote:
>>Yoda McAwips wrote:
>>>Gavin Long wrote:
>>>>Yoda McAwips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>>>>>I'm using Mozilla under RH Linux 7.1 with XF86 4.0.2, TT fonts and
>>>>>anti-aliasing enabled.  Hotmail's site looks terrible under Mozilla and
>>>>>Netscape.  It looks very good in Konqueror 2.1.1.
>>>>>Anyone know why fonts (at least these at hotmail) seem to render better
>>>>>under Konqueror than Mozilla/Netscape?
>>>>Sounds rather like http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=89783
>>>No...That seems to relate to stuff not lining up properly.  Every font I
>>>try on Hotmail looks blurry and difficult to read.
>>On RH7.1 w truetype fonts i see the fonts on hotmail crisp clear. They
>>seem to use Verdana there, available from the MS webfonts pack. It
>>sounds like you haven't got it installed and see some substitute font
>>Uploaded a screenshot (109852 bytes, gif) of how it looks here:
> OK...that does look good.  I have MS Verdana...maybe I don't have the fonts 
> setup right for XF86 somehow.  However, I see microsoft-verdana in 
> Mozilla's font list.
> I need to find a website that details how to setup the TT fonts...see if I 
> have this right or not.

You are closer than you know:


It's written for RH6.2 / XFree86 3.3.6, but 99% of it applies also to 
newer version. One major change in RH7.1 setup regarding XF864.0.* is 
that it rebuilds fonts.alias and fonts.dir when  new fonts are added to 
a dir. However: XF 4.0.* has better font handling, so the info about 
reversing content in fonts.dir and scale doesn't seem to be required 
there anyway.

There is also the LDP font deuglification HOWTO, but the links above are 
referred to there.


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