Geraint Edwards wrote:
> We recently launched our DHTML web service ( which 
> allows users to create an online scrapbook including visual and online 
> bookmarks as well as web cuttings.
> Almost without exception the visitors to date have been using MSIE 
> (apart from a few using Netscape 4.x).  We went to a great deal of 
> effort to ensure that the service supported Mozilla/Netscape6 as well as 
> MSIE, including innumerable workarounds for Moz/NN6 idiosyncracies {and 
> plenty of MSIE's own I should add;-)}.
> I have been looking, to no avail, for a website which showcases the best 
>  examples of web-sites/web-services that take advantage of the 
> capabilities of Moz/NN6.  I couldn't even find an active DMOZ category!
> Does such an advocacy site exist?  If not I may have a go at creating 
> one myself.
> Geraint


I don't know of a site that matches the idea of showcasing sites that 
take advantage of Mozilla and Netscape 6.1. I will bring the idea up 
with some of my team members and see what they think.

There is of course the possibility of using for 
showcasing such sites and the team to which I belong also has a site on 
devedge ( that could be used 
to host such a showcase.

Unfortunately, we have many many sites to evangelize and do not have 
much time for content development. If you would like to work with to develop such a showcase that would be fine, or if you 
would like to work with our team that would also be fine. Of course, you 
are free to develop such a showcase on your own site as well.

Bob Clary
Netscape 6 Technology Evangelism Team

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