On Fri, 24 Aug 2001, JTK wrote:
> Frank Hecker wrote:
>> What you list as "GPLed" files are actually under a dual license
> Not possible AFAIK.

An original author can license his works under as many contradictory
licences as he wants. A contributor can contribute patches under as many
contradictory licenses as he wants, provided the patch contains only new
code. If the patch contains old code, then for each of the licenses under
which the new code is written, one of the original licenses must apply
(typically that license will either say that the code can be relicensed,
or it will be a license saying that patches are ok under that license)

Therefore NPL/GPL is allowed, it's just like having two identical files,
one under NPL and one under GPL. Similarly, any patches contributed back
can be thought of as two patches, one under NPL to be applied to the NPL
file, and one under GPL to be applied to the GPL file.

Of course, IANAL, and I might be terribly wrong! :-)

Ian Hickson                                     )\     _. - ._.)       fL
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