JTK wrote:
> Emlyn wrote:
> >
> > > > Is this a bug or a feature?
> > >
> > > There doesn't seem to be anything in the HTML spec
> > > forbidding whitespace in the TYPE attribute. I think
> > > it's neither a bug nor a feature, just a slightly different
> > > interpretation of the spec.
> >
> > But... but... isn't big, bad Mozilla supposed to Lay Down the Law?
> >
> No, just wig out on any HTML that doesn't have its I's crossed or T's
> dotted.
> > It does within the style sheet. If your style rule is
> >
> > small ( .... }
> >
> > Then IE will render that style rule wheras Mozilla will do the
> > presumably correct thing and ignore the whole stylesheet up until the
> > next ")"
> >
> > I've seen lots of sites get tripped up on that one. It's very
> > important to get everyone who codes their site by hand to test in
> > Mozilla,
> And what would you estimate the chances of that happening are?

Better than you might think.  A lot more professional web designers are
now noticing (and using) N6 and Mozilla than when the travesty they
dubbed 6.01 came out.

Justin H.
"I'm someone who has a deep emotional attachment to Starsky and Hutch."
 -Bill Clinton, at a meeting with television honchos

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