1.  Anyone who wants to quote CNET to me would do well to remember the
glowing review they gave to Netscape 6.0 (Tacoma Narrows Edition) which
they later were forced to retract, since whoever wrote the piece (and
the CNET editors who edited it) had clearly never so much as installed
the product, let alone used it for five seconds.
2.  Anyone who wants to quote Downloads.com to me will have to explain
why anyone would be downloading IE from them instead of directly from
Microsoft, and why I should care what their completely unscientific web
polls say.
3.  Anyone who wants to try to tell me that '*perception* (all that
matters) is that we're faster than IE' needs to explain to me then why
not a single, verifiable, repeatable number indicates that Mozilla is
faster than IE at anything.  Otherwise, what you're telling me is that
this '*perception*' is a figment of the imagination of the Mozilla
Faithful.  And unless you want Mozilla to stay at ~0.5% market
penetration, figments won't cut it friends.

JTK wrote:
> Oddly enough, the world doesn't seem to be waiting for Mozilla.
> Download the competition here:
> http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/default.htm
> Since Mozilla was at last count about 4x slower than IE5.5, and has
> gotten slightly slower since then, can somebody please rerun those
> numbers against IE6.0 and see how much worse off we are now?  If those
> numbers have already been run, as I suspect they have been, could they
> please be published here?
> Thanks,
> Gary R. Van Sickle

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