Christopher Jahn wrote:

> And it came to pass that shay wrote:
>>I'm using Moz 0.9.3. Is there any way to export my address
>>book into a format that I can sync with with my palm?


> For reasons unknown, this critical function is not yet to be 
> found in Mozilla.

You must be unfamiliar with open source software development. If

 by "for reasons unknown" you mean "because no one has 

volunteered to implement it" then I stand corrected. If on the 

other hand you genuinely don't understand that there are more 

requests for features than engineers working on implementing 

those features then consider this educational material. The good

 news is that I've been talking to some folks that are working 

on building Mozilla-based applications who are intersted in 

working on this feature (or part of it).


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