No it doesn't. Viewing source in Mozilla has been hosed for a long time. 
    With all of the other cache related bugs, perhaps they are waiting 
to get the cache stuff fixed before fixing anything else that depends on 
the cache. Pure speculation on my part though.


Joe wrote:
> erez wrote:
>>I'm really frustrate, why view -> 'page source' doesn't show the
>>content of the actual seen html like it is in IE?
>>MY application is based on a servlet that dynamically generate html.
>>My HTML has the lines: <META HTTP-EQUIV="expires" Content="0">
>>               <META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">
>>After doing 'view page source' there is a new GET request from the
>>browser to my servlet. In my servlet I handle each GET request as a
>>new connection to my application. So the source that is seen is the
>>source of the first screen.
>>Does anyone know how can I see the current HTML source page?
> Does clearing the cache before using 'view source' help?
> Joe

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