Emlyn wrote:

> Four problems with that plan:
> 1] "Last page visted" remembers one page, and only one, out of the
> eight or nine pages I typically have open while I "surf".
> 2] "Last page visited" gives you the page defined by the last link you
> clicked in some window (a seemingly randomly chosen one. I bet it's
> the first one opened or some such, but it seems random to people with
> as many windows open at once as I). This means that, if the page used
> to be loaded inside a frame, it isn't now.
> 3] Scrollbars.

Yours is a common wishlist item, see 

There is a MozDev project devoted to this idea, see 
http://recall.mozdev.org/ -- don't know what state of completion it's in.

-Dan Veditz

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