Brian Clark wrote:

>>>If you have ever shared your Mozilla profile with a Netscape application 
>>>you are likely to run into this and in some cases worse bugs.
> This is the first time I have heard this!  If this is a serious issue,
> why is it not publicized more?
> Also, how do I manage more than one profile with Mozilla?  I see
> something in my Mozilla folder called "Mozilla Profile Manager", but I
> don't know how to make it work (it is not a program, but a component
> of Mozilla).  I don't see a menu option for Profile Manager anywhere
> in Mozilla either.  FYI:  I am running Mozilla on a MacOS 9.1 system.
> Just as a side note, I would much rather not have to do this.  It is
> much easier to maintain one profile and switch back and forth between
> Mozilla and Netscape 6.1 as needed.  There are a few things Netscape
> 6.1 has that Mozilla does not have. The biggest one I have seen on the
> Mac is stability.  The Mozilla 0.9.3 milestone release was not stable
> at all for me.  Netscape 6.1 is.  I hope that 0.9.4 is better.  The
> interim builds seem to be improved.  Also, there is no spell checker
> in Mozilla, and Netscape has one.  That is important to me.
> Brian!

Oh, and one other thing ...

Spell check is not available in Mozilla as Moz is not considered an 
"end-user" application. Software houses that use the Mozilla engine for 
their own use/application will more than likely include a spell checker. 
NS-6 is a good example of that "engine" that includes a spell check 

Jay Garcia - Netscape Champion
Novell MCNE-5/CNI-Networking Technologies-OSI

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