Christopher Jahn wrote:

>>I just tried Outlook Express 6.0 and noticed that it can
>>open URLs with Netscape 6 just fine.
> Wow, they actually FIXED something!

Hold on there.  Yes, but as expected, they broke at least *two* things 
to offset the fix! :)  I (and others) have experienced issues with 
Windows Explorer after installation of the IE6/OE6 upgrade. Some related 
to "exploring" the Start Menu (right-click from the Start button), and 
some related to running Windows Explorer and IE at the same time. Quite 
a few folks (me among them) have un-installed IE6, and reverted to their 
previous version. As is often the case with MS, once again, there's a 
choice: "Which bugs do I want?".  :)



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