Frank Hecker wrote:

> IMO Section 3 was intended for a specific case, a case explicitly 
> addressed in Section 3: " This option [i.e., changing the license 
> notices] is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of the Library 
> into a program that is not a library." But IMO it's not a general 
> requirement of the LGPL that this be done in all cases where works 
> containing LGPLed code are distributed under GPL terms.

We need to triple-license the code, MPL/GPL/LGPL.  MPL/GPL won't allow LGPL 
libraries to incorporate some of our code without having to switch to GPL, 
and MPL/LGPL wouldn't work for GPL'd projects that want to take a subset of 
Mozilla's code that doesn't hang together as a library.

-Dan Veditz

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