On Sun, 02 Sep 2001 21:37:23 -0700, Brian Z Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Sorry, spaced that: http://www.beaubonneaucasting.com/

Ugh, the damn site keeps resizing my Mozilla window!  The webmaster of this
site should be shot for that.

>Specifically when clicking on: http://www.beaubonneaucasting.com/casting.asp

I didn't have the patience to deal with the annoyances imposed by the main
site to find this link on the main page, but when I paste this link into my
copy of Mozilla 0.9.4, it loads fine.

Erik Harris                     eharris1@rocheste$.$$.com
http://w3.to/erik                            ICQ: 2610172
Chinese Martial Arts Assoc @ Cornell: http://w3.to/CMAAC/

To avoid Spam-bots, my address at the top is INCORRECT.
Change each dollar sign to an "r".

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