Jay Garcia wrote:

> Ranjit Mathew wrote:
> > Rob wrote:
> >
> >>future....  I was very happy to find .4 so much better.  W98SE  On a
> >>related but unrelated note, Netscape 4.78 is much more stable for me than
> >>any of the earlier releases, using or not using the new java plugin.
> >>
> >
> >
> > I agree completely. Communicator 4.78 is so much faster and
> > more stable than the earlier releases that it's a pity that
> > they incremented the version number only by "0.01".
> >
> > Ranjit.
> >
> Huh ?? 6.01 to 6.1 is not a simple addition of .01, that would make it
> 6.02 !! :-D
> Communicator is a finished/polished application based on many previous
> versions and is NOT related to Mozilla and/or Netscape 6.x
> --
> Jay Garcia - Netscape Champion
> Novell MCNE-5/CNI-Networking Technologies-OSI
> UFAQ - http://www.UFAQ.org

4.77  +  .01  =  4.78

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