Tell me if this correct - Netscape 6.1 is behind Mozilla 0.9.5 as far as functionality and features are concerned. Reason being: 0.9.5 is in continual development while Netscape 6.1 is frozen at that stage. Is this true or false? And, if Netscape 6.1 is indeed behind Mozilla, do we know when the next update to the Netscape browser will be?
The reason for inquiring is as follows: in question of a few plugins, it has been suggested that I download Netscape 6.1 and port over such and such files; however, I do not want to place another browser (a third one) on my system that has less functionality than Mozilla 0.9.5. I'm telling you right now, I love Mozilla 0.9.5. It is one beautiful browsing email/client program. And while it's not perfect, it shows more promise than my youngest son's SAT scores. I don't like Opera - it's ugly and IE is boring. I encourage all Mozilla developers to continue the great work and press on toward the goal of a great 1.0 release. Please note: any information or reply will be highly appreciated. Please help me to understand the differences and likeness of Netscape 6.1 and Mozilla 0.9.5. Wayne Alligood