Colin Thefleau wrote:

> I do a small test to find out which browser renders better and under which 
> environment. This is very simple and only takes care of text now. I think 
> the results will also interest the mozilla users. Basically eight partial 
> pages are grouped into one picture, you have to choose the one you think 
> looks better and vote for it.
> This is very simple.

This is a very unscientific test. Obviously, the browser which supports 
anti-aliasing (albeit only on one platform) "looks better" than those 
that don't. Other than that, there's not much to choose between them.

A far better question to ask is "which renders the page the way the 
author intended"? HTML is not a language for specifying pixel-perfect 
layout (CSS helps to do this) and so, if things are not specified, 
user-agents have a lot of freedom in how the render things, and one 
rendering is no more "right" than another. Therefore asking someone to 
judge which page "looks better" is silly - if you say "Hmm, I like the 
spacing between those two blocks of text in Browser X", it could be that 
it's caused by a bug in Browser X and the other browsers are getting it 
right. Is Browser X's rendering still "better"?

All of the renderings on that page are perfectly reasonable and readable.


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