Steve wrote:

>Outside of the fact that this is Microsoft speaking...
>Visse sez that they didn't want to support browsers "that we know don't
>support (W3C) standards or that we can't insure will get a great
>experience for the customer." 
>My impression was that Mozilla is the litmus test for W3C compliance.
>Am I incorrect in this? For instance, does IE, have more compliance
>with W3C (I mean does it have what the most of what W3C asks for, not
>counting additional things that W3C never asked for)? 
>If Mozilla is the most W3C compliant browser out there, why doesn't
>AOL/Netscape or Mozilla issue a press release saying so and blasting
>Microsoft for its tactics? A casual reader would conclude that Mozilla
>is not a W3C compliant browser based on this article.
>Presumably Microsoft is banning because of the "can't insure will get a
>great experience for the customer" component which is the "can't insure
>that it's a Microsoft product connecting" route.
>The article has been updated BTW that Microsoft is going to "support"
>(i.e., let in) the other browsers.
Mozilla does have the best W3C support out there.  Unfortunately, MS is 
throwing everyone for a loop by saying they'll open it but they haven't.

The qualifier in the sentence I believe is "a great experience".  To 
them, that means having an MSN Messenger hook where your buddies show up 
on the side of a page.  That's the only "enhancement" I've ever seen in 
IE instead of Moz.


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