yes, thanks a lot.

barney wrote:

> dman84 wrote:
>>triple take for that too.. post it here;
>>Art Wagner wrote:
>>>I'll second that request. I'm using linux and a script like that would 
>>>be MOST useful.
>>>Art Wagner
>>>Ben Ruppel wrote:
>>>>hey, could you post that script?  I don't know perl, AND I'm on win32, 
>>>>but I do have activestate perl installed.  I'd like to see what such a 
>>>>script looks like; I don't know the language at all.
> Ack!  Me and my big mouth!  OK, here it is.
> 1. It is technically crummy, and not a good example of what perl can do.
> I'm not very good at perl myslef, so there's lots of stuff hard-coded to
> my particular wants, needs, and environment.  There's a lot of
> superfluous stuff that I used while I was debugging it and never
> removed.  The bottom line is it works _for me_.
> 2. I don't use the mozilla installers, just the zips, so I don't know
> what changes there might need to be for the installer.
> 3. It's basically just a bunch of system calls.  This is what it does:
> - removes old registry files
> - removes select files from the profile that aren't carried forward
> - backs up my main profile (the only one really at risk)
> - appends the currently installed build# to the current /bin/ directory
> name, like bin_102603.  I enter the build# as a run-time parameter when
> I start the script.
> - unzips the new build, which becomes the new /bin/ directory
> It does not do anything with Windows shortcuts.  All my shortcuts just
> point to the /bin/ directory, whatever build that may be.  After I start
> the new build for the first time, I manually change the downloaded file
> name to include the new build number.  If a new build turns out to be
> crappy (like 10/24-25 were), it's a piece of cake to blow it away,
> restore my profile (if it got hosed up) and revert to the previous build
> with minimal damage.
> Use at your own risk.  I take no responsibility for it screwing up
> anybody else's system. ;)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # standard backups etc for a new build
> # run from DOS prompt: perl <old build#>
> $buildID = shift @ARGV;
> $fn1 = "";
> $fn2 = "";
> $newbuildID = "";
> $mozreg = "c:\\windows\\mozregistry.dat";
> $mozver = "c:\\windows\\mozver.dat";
> $reg = "c:\\windows\\applic~1\\mozilla\\registry";
> $profdir = "e:\\progra~1\\netscape";
> $prof = "\\barney";
> $rendir = "d:\\progra~1\\netscape\\bin";
> $inszip = "e:\\download\\temp\\mozilla.exe";  # zip file converted to 
>self-extracting .exe
> # registry files
> system("del $mozreg");
> system("del $mozver");
> $fn1 = $reg.".dat";
> $fn2 = $reg."-sv.dat";
> system("copy $fn1 $fn2");
> # remove old profile backup
> $fn2 = $profdir.$prof;
> system("deltree $fn2");
> # delete cache files and XUL.mfl before copying
> $fn1 = $profdir."\\mozilla".$prof."\\44w6jgj2.slt\\cache\\*.*";
> system("del $fn1");
> $fn1 = $profdir."\\mozilla".$prof."\\44w6jgj2.slt\\XUL.mfl";
> system("del $fn1");
> # copy current profile to backup
> $fn1 = $profdir."\\mozilla".$prof;
> $fn2 = $profdir.$prof;
> system("xcopy $fn1 $fn2 /s");
> # rename the old build
> while (!defined($buildID) || $buildID eq "")
> {
>     print "Enter bin build to rename (mmddtt): ";
>     $buildID = <STDIN>;
>     chomp $buildID;
> }
> # rename the current bin directory
> $fn2 = "bin_".$buildID;
> system("rename $rendir $fn2");
> # unzip the new build
> system($inszip);
> # move the new build
> $fn1 = "e:\\download\\temp\\";
> $fn2 = "e:\\download\\mozilla\\"; # have to rename 
>it manually
> system("move $fn1 $fn2");
> print "all done";

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