Hallo Travis,

For a couple of weeks ago I also got sick and tired of pop-up ads, and 
searched the internet and found The Proxomitron at the following site: 
this progrom works very well for me, the only setup it require in 
Netscape is to set your proxie/hppt to "localhost: port 8080".

Check it out.

Allan H.

Travis Crump wrote:

> A little bit ago I got sick of popup ads and so I set 
> dom.disable_open_during_load to true.  Then a myriad of problems started 
> to show up.  During page load, do I want to read my mail? Sorry opening 
> mail involves a javascript window.open() call.  How about clean up my 
> bookmarks? nope that requires a javascript window.open() call...  Does 
> anyone know a workaround for blocking popup ads, but allowing select 
> domains and your own computer have access to window.open() during load. 
> Do you call your computer if you want to give it permissions 
> in prefs.js?  This is especially annoying since I have a slow connection 
> and page load rutinely takes a couple of seconds...
> Travis

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