Klaus Krtschil wrote:
> the following code is not working with Mozilla:
> <map name="Tes t">
> <area shape="CIRCLE" coords="57,24,7" href="http://www.mozilla.org";
> target="_new">
> </map>
> <hr>
> <img src="http://www.mozilla.org/images/mozilla-banner.gif"; width="600"
> height="58" border="0" alt="" usemap="#Tes t">
> This is caused by the name of the usemap. If it does not contain spaces
> everything is fine.
> Has anyone come across that feature/bug?

You have to escape the space: usemap="#Tes%20t" .
But it still won't work because of
http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1882 .


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