I have found the problem!

In the main body text, I had a <center> tag, to make all the text nice
and centered.  Problem is, I forgot to close it with a </center> tag, so
poor Mozilla, quite rightly I might add, centered all my submenus!
So it wasn't a problem with mozilla, just my badly rushed coding!

Many thanks to all those who looked at the page, the log is reporting
hits every few minutes).


Greg Trounson wrote:
> Greetings,
> I have created a web page with pop-up menus (implemented as tables).
> They render as desired in Netscape and IE, but do not work properly in
> Mozilla 0.9.4 or 0.9.5.  I haven't been able to confirm this behaviour
> with other versions.  I have given the menus an absolute offset position
> of 140 pixels, but in Moz, the submenus appear 140*2 pixels offset.  If
> I eliminate the offset, the menus appear correct in Moz, but appear on
> the left margin (as you would expect) in NS and IE.
> Does anyone know if this is a bug in Mozilla, and if there is a
> standards-compliant way I can get this to work on all modern browsers?
> Here's what I mean:
> http://www.maths.otago.ac.nz/~gregt/cascadeMenu1.html
> cheers,
> Greg

 Greg Trounson                          Programmer / Analyst
 Dept. of Maths and Stats,              University  of Otago

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