"J.B. Moreno" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in
[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:[EMAIL PROTECTED], on 27 Nov 2001: 

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
>  DeMoN LaG <n@a> wrote:
>> > 
>> > Pratik wrote:
>> >> 
>> >> Even better, use different colours for 4-5 levels of quoting.
>> >> That makes long discussions much more easier to follow.
>> >> 
>> >> http://www.geocities.com/pratiksolanki/userContent.html
>> >> 
>> Mozilla can change the displayed colors of a thread, ie:
>> >>> This is blue
>> >> This is red
>> > This is yellow
>> This is black
>> Pretty cool feature I must say, not even my personal favorite
>> XNews can do this 
> Uhm, either I am misunderstanding you, or you are mistaken, from
> <http://xnews.3dnews.net/release/changes.txt>:
> 4.04.10:
> + New command: acvFixWrap.  Fix badly wrapped text in the message
> viewer.
> [...]
> + Added display of X-Face, thanks to Matthijs Laan
> [...]
> + A few people asked for this: multilevel quote coloring.  Look at
> http://xnews.3dnews.net/xnews2b.jpg.  You can define 7 levels
> (0..6), after which it cycles.  Use the Setup dialog.  It looks
> good when it works, i.e., when posters wrap their quotes nicely,
> using standard quote chars.  People like Xnews users, for ex.

Hmm, must have missed that somewhere.  I'm using 4.06.22 and I've never 
seen this option (though I'll admit I've never looked very hard for it).  
Gonna check it out right now though...

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