Ian Thomas wrote:

>> kchayka wrote:
>>> I just discovered (the hard way) that a patch for
>>> http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46225 was checked in on
>>> 11/19.  My pages, which all pass strict validation, ain't got no styles
>>> anymore. :-(  Turns out the hosting service has .css files defined as a
>>> content type "text/plain" instead of "text/css", so the stylesheets are
>>> being ignored.  I have contacted them about it, but no reply, yet.
>>> Are my only options at this point to:
>>> a. use a Transitional DOCTYPE, or,
>>> b. assuming they don't change the MIME type, move to another host?
>>> And is RFC2318 what I should throw in their face?
>>> thanks for any help
> That depends if your host allows .htaccess files or not. Try creating a 
> file called .htaccess in the same directory as your css files, with the 
> following contents (the next line only):
> AddType text/css css
> But try getting them to change the MIME type first.
> The whole point of strict validation is that it only works if everything 
> is right, so really your pages (on that server) never did really 
> validate as CSS.
> Jerry Park wrote:
>> My host, until recently (yahoo) was using the wrong mime type. I asked 
>> them to fix it and they did.
> Yahoo as in Yahoo GeoCities? That is a pretty monolithic host and free 
> so I surprised that they were so helpful, not that I'm complaining.

No. Yahoo provides web hosting at a price too.

>> However, serving up the wrong mime type did not seem to bother the 
>> browser.
> Because it didn't check the content-type
>> It just kept me from validating the CSS with a URL (had to copy/paste 
>> for validation).
> Because it did.
> Ian

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