> WDA wrote:
>> If you go to the following page - 
>> http://weather.noaa.gov/fax/surface.shtml#sfconus and download Plot 
>> No. 1, under North America, you will find the file name on your hard 
>> drive but with zero bytes - the file will be empty.  I went over and 
>> used IE to see if perhaps there was something wrong with the file 
>> itself and it downloaded with no problems.  Can someone check this 
>> and confirm.
>> I'm using Mozilla (windows XP) build ID:  2001112803.  This is a 
>> .tiff image.  I use my computer extensively for meteorological 
>> purposes and downloading files of this type is a norm for me.
> If I click on it, quicktime tries to load it and it breaks.  If I 
> shift-click on it I can save it to my hard drive and then view it 
> fine.  I'm using build 2001113003 under Win2k.
Their is a notice on their website "*NOTICE---* for error-free downloads 
use the FTP Server <ftp://tgftp.nws.noaa.gov/fax>" which sort of implies 
that their http downloads are error-filled and it is not Mozilla's 
fault.  If I go to the FTP Server it works(a randomly chosen tif loads 
in Quicktime when I left click).  Though if I locate the specific tif 
link to for North America Plot 1(QYAA00.tif), it also opens broken just 
like it does when clicking on the link on the main page.

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