And it came to pass that Andreas J. wrote:

> Hi folks!
> Comparing Internet-Explorer 5.5 with Mozilla 0.9.5 with the
> site 
> Internet-Explorer
> * fast loading
> * error free saving of the pictures
> * after downloading i.e. the label a you can use
>    the browser's back button and select another label
> Mozilla
> * slow loading
> * saving the pictures does only save a black screen
> * after downloading i.e. the label a and using the
>    browsers back button you have first to reselect
>    the title before you are able to select another label
> any comments about this?

YEah, it's very badly coded, which is a pretty good sign it was 
done with FrontPage.

FrontPage, a Micro$oft product, makes a lot of very bad 
mistakes, and rarely manages to output valid code on the first 
Internet Explorer, another Micro$oft product, seems to 
anticipate these mistakes and compensates for the bad code.

Other browsers have to guess what the code is really trying to 
do, since they're not made by Micro$oft.

}:-)       Christopher Jahn
{:-(         Dionysian Reveler
If you can't be a part of the solution or a part of the 
equation, make sure not to become part of the product...
To reply: xjahnATyahooDOTcom

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