I noticed today that I got the 'too small fonts' problem again with the
FreeBSD/2001120507 nightly build.

Last time I solved it by adding this to prefs.js:

        user_pref("font.minimum-size.x-western", 11);

After starting/stopping mozilla a few times I noticed the 'too small
fonts' problem and when I checked prefs.js I now saw:

        user_pref("font.minimum-size.x-western", "11");

Removing the "" around 11 fixed the problem but after stopping mozilla
the quotes are back again of course :(.

So mozilla is able to read the line and store it again at exit but the
quotes seem to make the setting ineffective.

Anybody else seeing the same behavior?


Arjan de Vet, Eindhoven, The Netherlands               <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
URL : http://www.iae.nl/users/devet/            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Work: http://www.madison-gurkha.com/  (Security, Open Source, Education)

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