Hello, I'm posting this about bug 78509
Essentially, this bug is for the fact that if you try to create a
shortcut on your computer to web sites with ":, /, or \" in their title,
mozilla just shows an error message.

For me, this is the biggest usability problem of mozilla.  Yes it's a
small deal, so I'm saying the rest of mozilla is really a great
experience for my everyday browsing.  This error, however, is the only
reason I ever have to boot up internet explorer nowadays.  I also think
that an error such as this should be fixed before the mozilla 1.0
release, and as of now it has a 1.0.1 target milestone.

I am writing this post to A)see if anyone else cares about this feature,
and if so B)ask them to express their concern over the bug.  So far I
have posted several nag comments to the bug, and I really don't want to
continue.  The bug is assigned to pchen, and I know he's got a ton of
other stuff assigned to him, so I don't want to draw more attention to
this bug unless anyone else cares.

Why should you care?  Do you ever have to sort through and keep track of
a ton of web pages, yet you don't want to bookmark each one?  I
personally have been using the shortcut dragging feature to keep track
of dozens of pages covering job postings, bugzilla bugs, and apartment
listings.  If a certain site (www.homestore.com)includes a ":" in each
of it's page titles, then I have to use internet explorer for all of my
apartment searching and record keeping.  As things stand, it'll be like
this until after mozilla 1.0 is released, and I think that's just too
long to wait.

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