Christian Biesinger wrote:

> Al Rider wrote:
>> Rendering of html and css colors, yes that requires gamma consider, etc.
>> However, the answer is simple [unfortunately] just replicate IE.  90% 
>> of the browsers are IE, so designers pick colors that look good with 
>> IE; period.
> Mozilla's goal is not to replicate IE, but to create a standards 
> compliant, good browser.
> If the standard says use Gamma Correction, we should not care at all 
> what IE does and follow the standard.
>> As I understand it, PNG is a compression algorithm. 
> It's an image format, like GIF or JPEG.

To be a bit specific, it's the unproblematic (license-wise) replacement 
for gif.
But the rendring bugs that crop up are a problem.
An the fact that when a png is good in IE it's bad in mozilla and vice 
versa should really be a hint towards the reason, but I can't figure it out.

Morten Nilsen, aka Dr. P

   4th Age webmaster & designer -
                            Webprogrammer for hire

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