One thing that I liked in Mozilla, at least up to a week or so ago, was that
double-clicking on a bookmark opens the page in a new window.  Netscape 6.x
still works this way.  However, in the last week or so, Mozilla suddenly
changed so that double-clicking on a bookmark opens the link in the last used
window (apparently), and not in a new window.

Apparently using single-click and then selecting "Open" still opens it in a new
window, in both Mozilla and Netscape 6.x, but that means I have to use both the
mouse and the keyboard to get what I would like to be the default.  Perhaps a
configuration item to specify what double-click will do would be useful.

Has this issue been discussed anywhere?  I didn't notice any mention of it, but
perhaps I didn't use the correct search string.

David M. Karr          ; Best Consulting
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   ; Java/Unix/XML/C++/X ; BrainBench CJ12P (#12004)

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