Rob Allen wrote:

> In article <9vgpv8$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jesse Ruderman 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>> Bug 108816: 31 minutes from filing to checkin.
>> Mozilla now has the Backspace key mapped to the back button, and
>> Shift+backspace mapped to the forward button.
> Personally, I think this backspace for back is a big improvement, 
> especially for those of us with non-US keyboards.

I second that. Please please please keep the backspace as alternative 
for back button.

Everyone I know in the (Swiss) company where I work (still forced to use 
  Netscape 4.x) curses Netscape mainly because the backspace button 
"doesn't work" as expected, i.e. go back in history.

IMO it is an arrogant and purist attitude (which alienates users) to 
persist in disabling this. If you don't like it, then at least make it a 
user option.

As for the other issue, no-cache resulting in re-reading on going back 
in history, that is pretty damn irritating indeed.

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