
I ve got troubles I do not understand :(
In my site you can use diaporama mode to see all photos automatically:

I works well with 0.9.5 and all IE version. But since 0.9.6 the onLoad 
does not work:
<img width="768" onload="javascript:launch_diapo() ;" height="512" 

It should launch the function launch_diapo() after having downloaded the 
  Image, but Mozilla 0.9.6/+ do it before, do it after having download 
the  page source code :(, dot it too early.

What's wrong ? Why Mozilla does wait having downloaded the Image to 
launch the function launch_diapo() ?

I dot not want to make a IE compliant site, I want to make a w3c 
compliant site ;)
Thanks for any help.

PS: Sorry, this is a all french site...

This is on the Net, this is SiovaDotNet.

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