I might add - using Mozilla 0.9.7 build:2001122803

JS wrote:

>  This may be somewhat trite to some but it's an issue with me by-golly! 
> Ok, I admit, every now and then I like to go to Yahoo and chat a while, 
> sometimes I like to play Yahoo games, ok? I'm 43 years old, am in 
> management, but sometimes I like to have fun at Yahoo now again. There! 
> I said it! I've never seen any instance of anyone bringing up having a 
> problem getting the Java plug-in to work in Yahoo chat, I know I cannot 
> be the ONLY one with this dilema. I have downloaded and installed Java 
> umpteen different times and then I'm supposed to click the button in the 
> center of the screen after install and then I'm prompted that I need to 
> download the plug-in again. AARRGGHH!!!!! Everything that has anything 
> to do with java is enabled. Software installation is enabled. It don't 
> work! Can somebody help me out here!?

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