Christopher Jahn wrote:

> And it came to pass that Christopher Rued wrote:
>>David Gerard wrote:
>>>On 12 Jan 2002 00:23:47 GMT,
>>>Christopher Rued <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>:David Gerard wrote:
>>>:> On 11 Jan 2002 23:32:28 GMT,
>>>:> David Gerard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>:> :Ooh, ouch. I'm on 2002010803 with a fresh profile
>>>:> :(created four hours ago). Just went to 'Print Preview'
>>>:> :from the Print button ... Mozilla has just gone
>>>:> :autistic at 100% CPU. I'll wait a while before killing
>>>:> :it, to see if it recovers ... 
>>>:> Just tried again, it didn't do it that time.
>>>:> But what a rotten UI: select 'Print Preview' and it puts
>>>:> it in the same window, with no 'back' button; I
>>>:> *guessed* that selecting 'Print Preview' again would
>>>:> bring back the page, because there wouldn't be anything
>>>:> else to try ... is there a bug about this yet? 
>>>:My 'back' button is there and is enabled. (release 0.9.7)
>>>My back button is there, but it's greyed out. I'll just try
>>>again ... Yep, greyed out and doesn't do anything. Only way
>>>to bring back the page is to go to 'Print preview' again.
>>>This is on 2002010803-trunk win32 on NT4, with a fresh
>>>profile. Has there been any recent work on print preview
>>>that means a new nightly might make a difference? There's
>>>clearly something flaky in there. 
>>My 'back' button is there and is enabled, AND it works
>>(though, the print preview itself seems to be flaky for me
>>after I do it a few times). 
> Which theme are you each using?  Not all themes are equal.


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