also still display correctly in IE (99% of the time anyway). Poorly 
written code can display just fine in IE but not in gecko (which is more 
pedantic about how HTML is formatted)

Fact: A fair chunk of the pages that have evangelisim bugs or that dont 
display correctly in gecko are broken because they are poorly written. 
Others dont work because they use stuff that only IE supports and that 
mozilla/gecko doesnt intend to (and shouldnt ever) support.

Fact: This poor code and use of IE specific stuff is either written by 
hand/non WYSIWYG editor or by WYSIWYG editor. The only thing that can be 
done about the people that code by hand/non WYSIWYG editor is to 
convince them to write better HTML, not to use the IE only stuff or 
whatever. However, in the case of those that use WYSIWYG editors, most 
of the time, the editor is the one thats outputing bad code or using the 
IE only stuff (*cough*frontpage*cough*). What we need is to put pressure 
on companies that make authoring tools to change their tools to make 
them more standards compliant (or at least to fix the specific problems 
that are stopping pages created with it from working in mozilla/gecko).

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