Vic Joseph wrote:

> Thanks for your reply, Christopher. It came indeed to pass. 
> Unfortunately your suggestion doesn't work. Whether or not I tick the 
> Remember box, I end up with the message:
> ALERT - A News (NNTB) error occurred: Authorization Error.
> The funny thing is that I did not have this problem when I first 
> started  using Netscape 6.2 in mid December. I thought that the 
> problem might have something to do with my changing my e-mail adress 
> (unlikely) since I operate both from France and from Holland. But even 
> completely re-downloading and re-installing N 6.2 hasn't made a blind 
> bit of difference.
> Any other ideas?
> regards, Vic Joseph
> Christopher Jahn wrote:
>> And it came to pass that Vic Joseph wrote:
>>> The actual messages concerned are
>>> 'Please enter a username for news server access'
>>> and
>>> 'Please enter a password for news server access'
>>> Sometimes cancelling the messages seems to be sufficient,
>>> but sometimes they keep repeating (depending on the
>>> server/newsgroup).
>>> Vic Joseph wrote:
>>>> Working as sole user under Windows XP home edition.
>>>> No doubt I have misunderstood something, but every time I
>>>> try to access a new
>>> sgroup Netscape asks me to enter a password for the
>>> newsgroup and a
>>>> password. Even though I tick the box asking Password
>>>> Manager to remember the values I enter, I am still nagged
>>>> every time. And no matter I enter, I always end up with an
>>>> 'Authentication Error'. On some newsgroups I now find I
>>>> cannot read the text of any messages. I have tried
>>>> uninstalling Netscape 6.2 and reinstalling it but it does
>>>> not seem to make any difference.
>>>> Can someone on this newsgroup tell me what I am doing wrong
>>>> please?
>>>> Vic Joseph
>> try UNselecting "remember password".  Completely shut down N6.
>> Restart, and re-select "remember password".
>> This usually fixes it.
If you are trying to access the Corel newsgroups, Corel is the one that 
has the problem. They have a message posted on their site about their 

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