Sören Kuklau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> > Expected behavior?
> Yes.
> > Why?
> Because most Windows applications do it like that.

This sort of argument always leads me to the standard mother's

"If all your friends were jumping off a cliff, would you too?"

As I said, the fact that it's rampant for various software to redefine
the names and icons of standard file formats to refer to particular
proprietary programs is a pet peeve of mine... I wish software didn't
do that, and I hope and expect Mozilla, with its much-vaunted
standards compliance and developer orientation to user needs rather
than marketing-types' wet dreams (notwithstanding it being connected
to AOL), to take the "high road" on this by not perpretrating such
things itself.  This may call for a Bugzilla entry if one isn't there


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